Big titty teen Lola Mai was in for a big surprise when she came into the house after coming home from a date.
You see, Lola still lived at home with her mom and stepdad. Little did she know, Lola’s stepdad really had a big crush on her. When Lola’s stepdad saw Lola coming home with her new boyfriend, he became quite jealous.
He had a stern talking with Lola, suggesting that she cut it out with her slutty ways.
Lola knew that she was a grown woman and did not need to listen to any man telling her what to do. Yet at the same time, she loved staying at the house and being close to mom… and getting free rent of course!
Picking up on her stepdad’s jealousy (smart as a whip Lola is), she began to devise a secret plan to appease her naughty minded roommate while maintaining her residential status. She thought to herself… hes actually quite handsome (that’s why her mom fell in love after all.) Would it be so wrong to toss him a little action?
On the one hand, she didn’t know what would happen with her boyfriend. And of course her mom!
On the other hand, she knew with an ass and tits like that, boyfriends are a dime a dozen. And every mother loves their daughter, no matter what lines they cross.
Plan in hand, Lola set out to get something else in her hand. A big hard dick to play with. That of her stepdad’s!
Watch Lola Mai earn her keep by fucking her stepdad at!